Genuine Concern and Terror...
A Professor of World Religion sees Christian Nationalism as an existential threat to our democratic republic.
Peter Bolland is a Renaissance Man: author, teacher, philosopher, accomplished musician and more.
It was a privilege to interview him recently for his take on two important topics: Christian Nationalism and Awaken of San Diego, which is pursuing an aggressive nationalist agenda.
His observations are so insightful that I’m taking the rare step of offering our interview in two installments.
First, here is Peter on Christian Nationalism :
In my next installment, Peter discusses Awaken of San Diego, including its obsession with its perceived enemies, promotion of violence, and the threat he feels it poses to San Diego and Coronado.
You’ll also hear his thoughts about invasive species, charlatans, fear mongering con men, Naziism and Q-Anon nonsense. Stay tuned!